Thursday, August 6, 2009

mary, mary, quite contrary...

or a newly revised version: harley, harley, quite contrary...women are fickle and contrary creature...god creates us to confound the other half of the least, in my case, this is exactly true...i'm a contrary person, not only confusing the better half of the society (let them think that) but also my bretheren...this is to say i do things in a crazy different way...

usually, i'll be so hungry, i go to sleep eating nothing, promising myself a better tomorrow (somehow sound pathetic, i know, but too lazy to cook & to miserly to buy food)...i always eat at night, usually after class...if i don't cook, i eat whatever i have in hand, or go hungry...sometimes, it's the other way round...i have tons of food (u know, time of the month...not menstrual, allowance time!!!) and i am very motivated to cook...that equals eating too much until my tummy feels all stretched out to the max and at the edge of now....

the moral of the story here, i should learn to live moderately...alas, life doesn't always be that perfect...and to end today's ramblings, i feel alone T_T...evie's staying at jessie's coz she's out partying and megu went out in the evening and has yet to come's like a flashback of my holidays...they desert me, traitors!hahahaha....nah...i should go shower, study and sleep (in the order)....

p/s: to answer nicole's twice asked question - 'will u come clubbing with us (with the rest of the gang)?' answer - 'interesting question nicole'

pp/s (is there such thing???): did go and buy perfume....err 2 perfumes...escada ocean lounge & hugo boss xx for women...and some other things *shifty eyes*...getting poorer by seconds...yesterday, bought fish n chips n taro slushy (at least shared the slushy with nicole so yeah not so bad) and going for a nice dinner with jae, alex and jessica yeah, more and more spending!someone put a solid padlock to my bank account please (or at least my credit card)!!!ah n shiitake mushroom tastes sooo yummy, it has this meaty flavour (unrelated at all but i need to state this rather desperately!)...


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