Thursday, February 12, 2009

no sire, yes sire....

gentlemanly difficult to find these days...upon a long lively discussion with indah, we both concluded that this species is extincting...not that i know many men....most of the men i know here in auckland are malaysians (do i even need to explain?)....i can safely say that most malaysian men i met so far are not that courteous aka gentlemanly....

hmm let me draw a picture of a normal occurance of auckland's malaysian men (again, most of them, not necessarily all of them my dear):

let's say i'm having a late night out with 10 mutual friends, 4 of them are's around 130 am apartment is around 15 minutes walk away from the direction of the rest of the party's respective places....the other girls come in pairs or at least have one or two of the guys accompanying them home since their houses are, walking back on the lonely road, yes's friday night = lot's of drunken youths (or not so-young-homeless people who scare passerby to pass the night)....on the way to my apartment, there is this small stretch of street which is very very dark with lots of place where a body can hide...again, to emphasize my point, i am walking back alone....i made it a point by saying it loudly and clearly 'i am going back alone to my apartment, guys'....the guys have absolutely no reaction to this statement...much kissing, hugging and goodbyes...still no offer of walking back...i ask some of the guys to walk me back, pretty please?uneasy laughters from these so-called of them pretending not to hear me...another suggest me to take a bus (which is rare at 130 am and to add another point, it stops at the very dark street)....then all of the guys board a bus and leave me to walk home...ALONE! does any of the guys take the initiative to call me 15 minutes later to ask whether i am safely home?or even sending me one measly text message?NOT ONE TEXT RECIEVED!

and here are the same guys that are described as 'such a gentleman!' from their girlfriends....well, to be frank with you girls (the gfs), THEY ARE NOT!being a gentleman does not only mean being nice to the girlfriends' best friends, parents and miscellaneous aunties and uncles or to any beautiful girls...a gentleman treats anyone with courtesy...that means, sending a girl friend who's living far off from the others in the morning...that means offering to take a heavy bag when you see said friend is carrying a lot of bags (which indeed look heavy) and so on...

that said, there are some of this rare species who managed to shock me with their courtliness and niceness....there is this one guy, whom i know since my first year here, who is very softspoken and understanding...he picks me up if we go out together and he sends me home after our date...another guy is a guy i met last year...i have only met him twice, but when he saw me at his apartment building at around 1030 pm, he insisted to send me home (i was visiting my girlfriends and he lives in that building)...he indeed walked me all the way home for no apparent reason than being worried for my safety....

i could fall in love with these men....they are the epitome of modern knights....the rest...err.....needs more polish....i think i must brainwash my little brother to be a nice guy...i don't want my brother to turn up like them....such dissapointment to me....where can i find my knight-in-shining-armour-riding-a-white-porshe then, if the cream of the crops are actually crops who fail to produce cream?sighhhhhhh.......


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