Tuesday, September 1, 2009

funny thing

while i was stuck like a stuck pig in a pen in the bus to tauranga (remember my nausea?), rachel texted me...okay this is not a world revelation, we do text each other especially towards the end of the week since we do usually hang out on friday....anyway, i missed out friday-dinner-and-gossip for 3 weeks due to busy-ness...back to the main point, rachel suggested us watching rain's new movie...the main issue to be highlighted here is - we are not watching the movie for the story-line's sake or to critic rain's acting ability (i found him to be a reasonably able and good actor based on his previous dramas and movies)...

we are planning to watch because - bang the drums please - rain is ripping off his shirt and prancing off half naked!yay for all multiracial fangirls all around the world!and both of us are not even koreans!rachel is not even asian!hehehehe...i was like 'i'll pray so hard that he'll do some shirt-taking scenes!*squeal*!!!!'....and rachel reply was 'he DOES harley, he definitely DOES!fangirl screams!!!'....no need to convince me more rachel...i'm in!so...rachel is currently in hamilton now, enjoying her holiday....but as she said 'ill definitely be back!'...and off we go, happy squealing fangirls, waiting to glimpse a naked rain (err...semi-naked....after all he is not a porn artist) in the silver screen...

last words - it is a sad day to observe when i started to use the internet to check my 'convince' spelling...how fast and far the mighty falls (i feel like 'convincing' myself that i am after-all the know it all)....


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