Saturday, June 12, 2010

my observations of the week

it's been positively ages since i've written, well type anyway, even a word's either because i'm at loss of what to write (muse oh muse why don't u ever appear when i really desperately need u the most!) or my real life is taking all of my time (i do actually have a real life, which consists of class, sleep, eat, shower, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, all in that order)....moving on, my sisters jaja and gegel and my lil bro aboy are currently visiting me!!!, their beautiful, loving and gentle older sister...u know, all those beautiful positive personality traits, that apply to me...

anyway, these 2 weeks have been hectic with exam preparations, exam and entertaining naughty little children (in case u r wondering, that's my sibs)....i'm missing b so much (she's so cute!) but these recalcitrant children make up for that...anyway, a few stories to share:

  • aboy displayed weird sense of modesty when he actually pull his legs together (u know the way ladies actually seat, not boys, for god's sake!) when he heard fazan coming back yesterday...ah to make the picture whole, he did that when he was sitting on the little couch that faces the main door...the result: fazan saw that move and craked up...real bad...i wonder...does he have a screwed sense of modesty coz of us, his 4 larger-than-life elder sisters, not forgetting mama?...

  • gegel continues to annoy me with her rendition of my previous idiotic (i won't admit to that, i'm just quoting the annoying someone) words and actions...the result: i hit jaja...why, u ask?...well, she's nearer...she can always hit gegel if she feels that my action is unfair (darling, the world is never fair, wake up and smell the air pollution)...

  • jaja continues (on the continuation theme) to nag like a second mama...coz of that, i don't miss mama's nagging...

  • mama called, a lifetime ago, to ask whether all of us had dinner or not and hung-up before commenting on how i starved my sibs (they screamed to the phone, claiming that, but mama just cheerfully claimed 'i just called to ask about dinner!' repeatedly, not really listening)...the moral of the story: mama just want to ask, not listen...

  • some random lady ask for 2 dollars from me when i was on the way to the exam, she's not a homeless, since she lives in my apartment building...and no, i don't sympathize, not because i ran my limit of sympathy-of-the-day, more because the request was so random, i was in a rush and she didn't even say why she needed the 2 dollars...the lesson learned: please state your reason for asking when you want something from a random stranger or make pitiful face...people will be more likely to give something if u do my case, i'm just a bitch early in the morning (and in the afternoon and night)...

  • -the end-


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