my baby sister is in her teenage-hood...that means crying over random things...she justified that by saying 'i'm in a sensitive stage (in my life)'....some examples:
- she cried when she accidentally bought a tester facial moisturizer...yes, a very justifiable reason to cry....
- she cried a river on her kak jaja's pillow when some idiot clownish of a guy snickered behind his hand, calling her 'pondan' (that's transvestite for you) when he saw her wobbling in her brand new 4 inch black heels at the store...i was there...yes, even the most stoic man cries when someone calls him 'pondan'...
- she cried hard when she was convinced that she is fat...i blamed her bitch of friends...her friends are reed thin...they look like sticks shape to speak boobs and hips and compared to her, she indeed looked fat...she is actually very very normal as her weight falls in the almost underweight category for her height...i am very fat...i don't cry over it...she did actually cry over her 'fatness'....well, her friends are bitches and she is at the sensitive stage....
p/s: b, u r the cutest thing since nickhun....very very cute!!!don't cry, ya...