all of us have been guilty of stereotyping...i mean when say if u are a 20 year old woman, and u notice a woman who looks like she's in her 50s and strutting around wearing a 15 year old girl's outfit, looking brash and bold as u please, would u:
- be secretly outraged, thinking 'she should've dressed like her age!!!what would her daughter be thinking, seeing her mom dressed like a ho???'...assuming that she even has a daughter...
- be secretly snorting, thinking 'i wouldn't be caught like a 50 year old trying to relive her youth when i'm 50!i'd be dressing like my age, aging graceflly'...assuming when u are 50 year old u would remember that....
- be secretly smiling, thinking 'there u go!a woman who's empowered!do as u please!i want to be like that!'....assuming u'd be courageous enough to be like that when u reach that age....
- be secretly envious, thinking 'man, i should've bought that top last week!it looks good on her, it'll definitely look great on me who's wayyyyyyy younger!'...assuming that top would actually really look good on u, well, u'd never know would u since u haven't bought it...
- be secretly relief, thinking 'fuuuuh, glad i didn't buy that jacket!wouldn't wanna be caught dead wearing the same thing a 50 year old wear!i'd melt into the pavement in embarrassment!'....assuming people would actually take time to notice that u actually wear the same thing as a 50 year old woman and care....
anyway, i could go on and on about this...i'm pretty sure, well, i feel justified anyway, that 99% of us would think any of those things above, excepting the envious least for an instant...u may change ur mind later on, thinking 'hey!who am i to judge!maybe her husband cheats on her with his 20 year old feather brained secretary after 30 years of marriage and she left him...she's now out to make a statement that says 'here world!i'm ready to be my own woman again!i'm done with being a doormat!''....but for a split second, u have thought of those thoughts before u become more human and less judgmental...
i'm not here to preach about judgmentalism and what rot...i judge people a lot...i stereotype people all the time...but the best thing is, at the end of the day, all of us must realise that all of us are human...we make mistakes...better realise that we are actually human, not androids who know our place on earth (which is really really really minuscule compared to the universe) and know that each of us have our own strength and weaknesses and that note, i'll end this with, after all that's said and done, after all my rantings and sarcasms, i'm human too...i hate and love with equal fervour, thus u can see me hating some people here...and i love dexter...
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