my brother, the fondler...yes, you read me, the brother used to have this habit of fondling the corner of his pillow before before he went to sleep when he was was a weird, almost-perverted, annoying and misunderstood habit of all least, in this family you bet it is!....
he just had to fondle a corner of a pillow for him to be able to settle and far as i know, he may probably still have that habit...then again, who am i to know...unless i can spy on him...hmmm...anyway, he got annoyed when his pillow case is the fitted know, the one with no extra lining on the sides so there could be no extra cloth that he can fondle...
ewww....i need to re-word myself....fondle sounds a bit urghh...anyway, my mom and jaja were talking about things and mama was reminiscing about aboy's weird habit...i still remember that he even demanded baba to fondle the corner of his pillow just because he was too tired and falling asleep!!!...yes yes, my family comes from a farway planet called 'PLANET WEIRDNESS'....
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